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Tip 28: Do not flush disinfectant or deodorant into toilet water tank so as to avoid water-stopping rubber cap eroded by heavy acid or strong base, which might lead to dripping.
Tip 29: PT bottle loaded with water can be placed in oversized toilet water tank to reduce flushing amount.
Tip 30: Notify local service operation for rescue when dripping occurs in underground pipes.
Tip 31: Overflowed water from swimming pools can be filtered and reused for damping sports field.
Tip 32: For car washing, use pipe with stopper or water basket along with sponge or mop for drying. Wash cars once a month to reduce water usage.
Tip 33: Taps should be switched tight after use. If water scale is running, it indicates dripping in the house or underground pipes.
Tip 34: For microwave cooking, take the food out of fridge earlier, or pop in the freezer to unfreeze food. Do not wash away ice with water.
Tip 35: Use dry powder instead of damping or steaming approach for carpet cleaning.
Tip 36: The right steps for hand washing: damp hands with small amount of water, switch the tap, apply soap, message hands, wash with small amount of water, switch the tap tight after use.