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  • Early scenario projection with response measures
  • Enhanced early warning system
  • Early evacuation relocation
  • Meticulous mitigation measures
  • Meticulous preparation work
  • Knowledge of flood-prone scenarios
  • Pre-disaster preparation
  • Flood monitoring
  • Early disaster mitigation and response actions
  • Pre-disaster troop deployment
  • Effective pre-arrangement
  • Allocation and dispatch of flood control facilities and equipments
  • Readiness for mitigation and rescue operations
  • Flood control and disaster mitigation
  • Promotion of autonomous disaster mitigation


Strengthening of flood disaster monitoring and early warning operations
  • Construction, operation, maintenance, and capacity upgrade of instantaneous disaster monitoring stations, stage gauge stations, and rainfall gauge stations
  • Construction, operation and maintenance of regional rainfall radar stations
  • Development of disaster mitigation tests at chosen watersheds
Capacity building of disaster mitigation, preparedness, and response
  • Function enhancement of WRA disaster emergency response team
  • Development of additional essential regional flood monitoring centers and early flood warning systems
  • Enhancement of water monitoring efficiency, disaster mitigation, response, command, and dispatch efficiency of each River Management Office
  • Reinforcement of preparedness and management of mobile water pumps and flood control equipments
Implementation of resident evacuation and relocation with the concept of autonomous public disaster mitigation
  • Supervision of local government efforts in updating and realization of the Security Plan for Flood-risk Potential Areas
  • Implementation of autonomous disaster mitigation for communities in flood-risk potential areas
  • Reinforcement of organization and task execution of flood control volunteers
  • Strengthening of disaster evacuation and relocation drill exercises and implementation of community education and publicity
Acceleration of disaster mitigation information integration and service provision
  • Update of disaster emergency operation system
  • Organization of disaster mitigation service team to aid disaster response units of central and local governments in the study and determination of flood related information
  • Strengthening information transmissions and disaster mitigation information services
Revision of flood mitigation related - laws and regulations
  • Reinforcement of land utilization control and flood mitigation capacity of building structures
  • Promotion of the establishment of flood discharge control regulations at catchment area
  • Feasibility study of integrated natural disaster insurance
  • Promoting the expansion of Chapter 7 of the Water Act Waterway Protection, into Water Disaster Mitigation, Rescue, and Relief
Promotion of research in flood and drought mitigation and strategic early warning technologies
  • Research and development of foresighted early flood/peak flow warning technologies
  • Research and development of foresighted early inundation warning technologies
  • Research and development of latest information technologies for disaster decision making and support
  • Research and development of drought response technologies
Implementation of flood (drought) disaster mitigation, rescue, and response operation plan
  • Establishment of flood and drought disaster mitigation indices for each region and basin
  • Establishment of regional drought disaster mitigation, rescue, and response operation plans
  • Establishment of basin flood disaster mitigation, rescue, and response operation plans